Present: T. Pellegrino, G. Keller, J. Comer, J. Balcom, Superintendent R. Miner and Water Quality Support/Administrative Manager J. Lavoie |
Excused: L. Woods |
Financial Review – May 2015 |
J. Comer questioned why the money in account #81400 (Public Education) has not been spent? He also questioned the cost of a mailing. N. Couture noted that a mailing costs about $200 to $300. J. Comer suggested that the money in the Public Education account be used to do something about explaining why the District uses odd/even watering, perhaps as a mailing. He suggested that the District may want to send out an informational mailing or add something to the bills. R. Miner noted that the rulers demonstrate how much water is lost when leaks of various sizes go undetected. |
Non-Public Session |
A motion was made by J. Balcom and seconded by J. Comer to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 II(d) “…Acquisition, sale or lease of property” and possible litigation (Jill, is there an RSA for this?). The motion passed 4-0-0. |
After the Non-Public Session |
A motion was made by J. Comer and seconded by J. Balcom to seal the minutes of the non-public session of June 15, 2015. The motion passed 4-0-0. |
T. Pellegrino reviewed and signed the “Certificate of Authorizing Resolution” for health benefits and read the following statement: |
“I hereby certify to HealthTrust, Inc. (“HealthTrust”), that the following is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Governing Body of Merrimack Village District at a meeting duly held on June 15, 2015.” |
1. Board of Commissioners to approve minutes from the May 18, 2015 Public session. |
A motion was made by J. Comer and seconded by G. Keller to approve the minutes from the May 18, 2015 Public session with the following change: |
Merrimack Village District, Board of Commissioners, 6/15/2015, Public Session, Page 2 of 4 |
Page 4, the words “plus $100 per owner from the management company” were removed. |
The motion passed 4-0-0. |
2. Board of Commissioners to discuss Verizon Land Lease Agreement |
Attorney G. Michael noted that he has seen the preliminary lease agreement and has sent his comments to their attorney. These comments are included in the new edition of the lease and the lease is now acceptable. He noted that this is a long term lease of 30 years and that there is always a bail-out option. |
3. Board of Commissioners to discuss Country Crossing billing dispute. |
This item was discussed with Attorney G. Michael in Non-Public session. |
4. Board of Commissioners to discuss NED pipeline – Kinder-Morgan project |
R. Miner noted an article in the Nashua Telegraph that Kinder-Morgan was abandoning the Dracut Spur. The rest of the line will be going forward. There was another meeting with the town manager. |
5. Board of Commissioners to hear update from Underwood Engineers, Inc. regarding: |
- Contracts for Capital Improvements (ESRs)
MVD Water Model – T. Page noted that the MVD Water Model was created by PRISM Engineering in approximately 2004. Updates were done to the model in 2007 by UEI. This model represents water pipes in the ground and simulates the District’s water system. The GIS is up to date and the model is up to date with the large pipes, but not all of the small pipes are up to date. |
Storage Tank Repairs ESR – T. Page noted that the ESR for the Turkey Hill Storage Tank Repairs has been drafted. R. Miner noted that the District has received conflicting reports on the storage tank repairs and is having UEI look at this issue. The cost for this will be about $5,000. The questions include how to keep the system going while repairs are ongoing and to get the concrete people to determine if interior repairs are needed. It appears that this tank needs to be inspected every 10 years. R. Miner noted that the idea is to get professionals |
Merrimack Village District, Board of Commissioners, 6/15/2015, Public Session, Page 3 of 4 |
who deal with concrete tanks to look at this and tell the District what needs to be done. The District is hiring UEI to get the right people in to do the job. This will be started as soon as the ESR is accepted. If the Board has any hesitation the job will not go forward. |
Rate Study ESR – G. Keller noted that a rate increase is scheduled for July 1 and questioned whether this increase may need to be moved to October. R. Miner noted that this increase is scheduled for next year. There was some concern whether a rate increase needs to be done in pieces or in one larger increase. R. Miner noted that whatever needs to be done it needs to be done soon. T. Pellegrino asked if this information would be available in August. T. Page noted that it could be if this is necessary. UEI could revisit the recommendation in the rate increase study. T. Pellegrino noted he wants the job done correctly. |
Site Plan Review Services – R. Miner noted that the former Mile High Apple Pie store is being changed to a private gas station/convenience store. This has come to the District for engineering review. This review will be paid for by the client. J. Lavoie clarified that the bill will come to the MVD and Natalie will forward to the client for payment. G. Keller asked if this change in scope and will need a change to the ESR. J. Lavoie noted that this matter was brought to the attention of the Board to let the Board know what UEI is doing for the District. |
6. Board of Commissioners to conduct annual review of the MVD investment policy. |
J. Lavoie noted that District Treasurer M. Carrier has already reviewed the investment policy and approved it “as is” for the 7/1/15 -6/30/15 fiscal year. |
A motion was made by G. Keller and seconded by J. Comer to keep the investment policy as submitted for another year. The motion passed 4-0-0. |
Non-Public Session II |
A motion was made by J. Comer and seconded by G. Keller to go into non-public session per RSA 910A:3 II(a)….dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee….” The motion passed 4-0-0. |
After the Non-Public Session |
7. Old Business |
Merrimack Village District, Board of Commissioners, 6/15/2015, Public Session, Page 4 of 4 |
Summer Schedule – The Commissioners decided there would not be a meeting in July. |
Retreat – The Board should keep this possible retreat in mind. If it happens it will happen in the fall. It will be discussed further at a later date. |
8. New Business |
There was no new business at this time. |
9. Superintendent’s Report |
Construction Day with NHWWA – This is scheduled for August 5, 2015. This construction tour will include a visit to the Treatment Plant some time in the morning. |
Verizon – R. Miner noted that he thinks this construction needs to go to the ZBA. |
Trucks – A memo was sent to employees regarding the sale of these trucks. W-16 was sold for $5,800 to D. Fredrickson. All MVD decals were removed from the truck. |
Maps – New maps of the system are available for Board members. |
Shingles, siding – Samples of the shingles and siding to be put on the treatment plant are available for the Commissioners inspection. |
10. Questions from the Public |
There were no questions from the public at this time. |
11. Questions from the Press |
There were no questions from the press at this time. |
Adjourn |
A motion was made by J. Comer and seconded by J. Balcom to adjourn at 6:15 PM. The motion passed 4-0-0. |
Respectfully submitted, |
Rita Pointon, Recording Secretary |