Present: L. Woods, T. Pellegrino, G. Keller, J. Comer, J. Balcom, Superintendent R. Miner and Water Quality Support/Administrative Manager J. Lavoie |
Financial Review – June 2015 |
N. Couture noted that these financials will remain in draft form until the auditors are finished at the end of August. These financials currently indicate a surplus of $657,000. |
L. Woods questioned account 70650 (R & M-Tanks). R. Miner noted that UEI will be looking at the District’s tank and that this money is not restricted. He additionally noted that the same effort would be made in the next budget. |
L. Woods questioned the 90000 accounts. He questioned if some of these accounts are unnecessary. R. Miner noted that some of these things did not get done. N. Couture noted that if there is an open P.O. this money could be part of the open P.O. |
R. Miner noted that more research is being done on security cameras, etc. L. Woods noted he would like clarification of the use of security cameras, etc. |
J. Balcom questioned whether the surplus is the result of underspending or an increase in revenues. R. Miner noted that $440,342 was underspent from the budget and that $216,720 was unanticipated revenue. He also noted that the District has signed an ESR with UEI to look at the water rates to determine if/when and how much of the previously proposed rate increase should be implemented. |
G. Keller questioned the hydrant charges account. N. Couture noted this is based on a 5-year average. |
Non-Public Session |
A motion was made by T. Pellegrino and seconded by J. Balcom to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 II(d) “…Acquisition, sale or lease of property. The motion passed 5-0-0 on a roll call vote. |
After the Non-Public Session |
A motion was made by T. Pellegrino and seconded by J. Comer to seal the minutes of the non-public session of August 17, 2015. The motion passed 5-0-0. |
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- Board of Commissioners to approve minutes from the May 18, 2015 Public session.
A motion was made by T. Pellegrino and seconded by J. Comer to approve the minutes from the June 15, 2015 Public and Non-Public sessions with the following changes: |
Page 2 under “Storage Tank Repairs ESR” add the words “Turkey Hill Road” before the words “Storage Tank” in the first sentence; |
Page 4 add the letter “A” after “NHWW” under the “Superintendent’s Report. |
The motion passed 5-0-0. |
- Board of Commissioners to hear update from Underwood Engineers, Inc. regarding:
- Treatment Plant
- Mitchell Woods
Mitchell Woods – M. Metcalf reported that all structures at this site will be within the protective radius. The building will be as small as possible, about 18’ x 18’. The proposed well should pump about 300-350 gpm. There will be no separate lime feed. The power lines will be buried to the site. The closest 3-phase power is at Madeline Bennett Lane. |
Treatment Plant – B. Daigle presented a slide show of the treatment plant construction progrees to date. He noted that the filling of the tanks should begin on Friday and a leak test should be done at that time. He noted that the project is right on schedule. |
L. Woods noted compliments to B. Daigle regarding the progress on this construction. |
- Board of Commissioners to hear update on the Sunset Shores sewer/water line improvements project.
R. Miner noted that before this project was started it was anticipated that there would be approximately 40 cubic yards of ledge; 300+ cubic yards of ledge have been encountered to date. Due to this additional ledge the anticipated water line loop will not be installed and the project will be about 300 feet shorter than was originally planned. The project is close to completion. The District will receive “as-builts” (GPS) when the project is complete. This information will be added to the MVD GIS. |
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- Board of Commissioners to review Verizon land lease agreement for the Turkey Hill tank.
A motion was made by T. Pellegrino and seconded by J. Balcom to move that the Board of Commissioners authorize the Superintendent to sign the Cello Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Land Lease agreement as presented at the BOC meeting August 17, 2014. This land lease agreement is for the Turkey Hill Road location. The motion passed 5-0-0. |
- Board of Commissioners to discuss possible date for a BOC retreat.
J. Lavoie noted, after Board discussion, that she would look at the availability of a meeting room at the Residence Inn for a Tuesday in October with lunch brought in. This retreat will go from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. |
L. Woods noted that suggested agenda items should be brought to the September meeting. J. Lavoie noted that she would include questions regarding the future of the MVD in the next Board packet. |
- Board of Commissioners to review public education letter to be sent to customers.
J. Lavoie noted that this letter would be sent out on September 10, 2015. She noted that such a letter can also be mailed in the spring. |
- Board of Commissioners to discuss NED pipeline – Kinder-Morgan project
R. Miner noted a scoping meeting was held on July 29, 2015. L. Woods read his written comments into record at the meeting. R. Miner also submitted comments to the committee to include in the record. |
- Old Business
There was no old business at this time. |
- New Business
There was no new business at this time. |
10. Superintendent’s Report |
Mile High Apple Pie gas station proposal – This proposal has been withdrawn. |
Merrimack Village District, Board of Commissioners, 8/17/2015, Public Session, Page 4 |
of 4 |
Treatment Plant Retainage – This money should have been held in a separate interest-bearing account. The amount of retainage at this time is $110,000. Treasurer, Marty Carrier, is working on this and will be changed over soon. |
NHWWA Construction Day –This consisted of the NHWWA members touring the exterior of the treatment plant. UEI and R. Miner were on site to give a 30 minute presentation. |
Diesel fuel cost – There has been a drop in the cost of diesel fuel of $.46 to $2.34. |
Treatment Plant – There will be a construction meeting at the Treatment Plant on August 20, 2015 at 8:30 AM. |
11. Questions from the Public |
There were no questions from the public at this time. |
12. Questions from the Press |
There were no questions from the press at this time. |
Non-Public session II |
A motion was made by T. Pellegrino and seconded by J. Comer to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:II(a) ….dismissal, promotion, or compensation of any public employee…. The motion passes 5-0-0 on a roll call vote. |
After the Non-Public Session II |
A motion was made by T. Pellegrino and seconded by J. Comer to seal the minutes of the non-public session II of August 17, 2015. The motion passed 5-0-0. |
Adjourn |
A motion was made by J. Comer and seconded by T. Pellegrino to adjourn at 6:40 PM. The motion passed 5-0-0. |
Respectfully submitted, |
Rita Pointon, Recording Secretary |